Teacher Toolkit Webinar Series
Our Teacher Toolkit webinar series is ideal for both new and experienced teachers who are looking to fine-tune their implementation of best practices to support students with disabilities. Each session is approximately 90 minutes.
Session Titles and Objectives
Session I: How to…Cultivate an Inclusive Mindset to Support Students with Disabilities
Identify the main drivers of maintaining high expectations for students with disabilities.
Understand inclusion as a service delivery method for students with disabilities.
Session II: How to…Understand and Respond to Challenging Behavior in Students with Disabilities
Understand and describe potential functions of student behavior.
Identify strategies to proactively support student behavior.
Review methods for responding to challenging student behavior.
Session III: How to…Support Communication in Students with Significant Disabilities
Describe the importance of teaching communication skills to students as a way of increasing independence and access to academics.
Identify strategies and best practices for increasing student communication skills.
Understand student behavior as a form of communication.
Session IV: How to…Unlock Accessibility with Universal Design for Learning
Understand the three principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Describe how implementing elements of UDL can increase access to general education content and settings for students with disabilities.
Identify environmental factors of a universally designed classroom, including lighting options, flexible workspaces, and overall classroom accessibility.
Session V: How to…Use Explicit Instruction to Teach Students with Significant Disabilities
Identify key elements in implementing the evidence-based practice of explicit instruction.
Consider levels of prompting and support to determine how to provide appropriate levels of assistance while still encouraging independence.
Describe how standards can be unpacked to increase access to academic content for students with disabilities.
Contact us at Project_Success@pcgus.com for more information.